“Undergraduate students from mechanical and aerospace engineering and electrical and computer engineering who are part of UF's Gatorloop team participated in European Hyperloop week in Delft and Hilversum, Netherlands.”
“During this week, university hyperloop teams present their prototype components and full pods to a technical jury and compete in several categories (ex. electrical, mechanical, propulsion)”
TEDxUF 2019
We were overly excited to have the chance to showcase our 2015 prototype, and more importantly, share our vision for the future of hyperloop with the over 1000 attendees.
During our lab, we shared visuals of our 2019 pod 3D models and spoke to fellow community members about the work we do as a student engineering design team.
WHOA GNV Podcast (2019)
“We had a great discussion with them on management, start ups, and student involvement in the Gainesville community”
Gatorloop prepares for SpaceX Hyperloop Competition (2019)
“It's to get students and people excited about this new technology and giving students an opportunity to work on it themselves and gain real engineering experience but also help to advance the technology.”
“Gatorloop members submitted their final design report to Space X and The Boring Company judges in January which are engineering firms run by engineer Elon Musk”
Gatorloop engineering team works to make concept a reality (2016)
“I think it would really revolutionize how we do business, how things are shipped, how basically the entire economy works”
Gainesville Engineers Bring Elon Musk’s New Vision to Life (2016)
“A bright team of student engineers from the University of Florida is on a mission to make one of Musk’s visions, the Hyperloop, a reality. Gatorloop, comprised of 55 undergraduate and graduate students from UF, is one of 30 teams left in a subscale pod design competition. The group advanced to the final stages of the competition after presenting their designs in Texas in January, where over 120 teams competed.”
Stop Trying to Reinvent the Wheel––Use It (2016)
“When we think of innovating for the future, we think sleek, futuristic, and sexy. University of Florida student Jared Feldman challenges that belief by arguing that we don't need to reinvent the wheel--in fact, we should be using it as our shortcut to the future.”