We have gathered some of the brightest talent that the University of Florida has to offer in order to make our project a reality. Our team is representing nearly every branch of Engineering, STEM, and business students from diverse backgrounds to bring innovative thinking and collaboration to the table.
Executive Board
Daniel Borras Quintero | President
Jack W. Hildebrandt | Vice President
Grant Roberts | Treasurer
Our purpose is to design a braking system that stops TinyPod in a timely manner. Our team strives to design the best and safest brake system achievable, and through research and testing our design is constantly being improved. The current braking system is a pneumatic system designed with various solenoids, fittings, and spring-powered brake pads.
Ryan Butler | Lead
Hayden Guthrie
Michael Johnson
Our purpose is to innovate hyperloop propulsion methods to achieve high speeds in an efficient and safe manner. This is done through an iterative research-design-manufacture process, improving upon concepts using a smaller prototype hyperloop pod until we determine a design to scale up. The focus of powertrain is the acceleration of the pod and the interaction it has with the transportation track.
John Michael Davis | Lead
Elvin Hernandez
Elkenson Ternellus
Electrical Team
Giorgio J. Rusconi | Co-Lead
Jonathan Yacobi | Co-Lead
Nicholas Reyes
Veronika Kochetova
Elkenson Ternelus
Elvin Hernandez
Our purpose is to research, design, and implement the suspension systems on our hyperloop pod. In order to achieve this, we bring in technical skills developed in the classroom, workplace, and other projects, along with a dash of personal creativity. We focus highly on collaborative synergy by brainstorming and discussing design as a team.
Roger Montenegro | Lead
Alyssa Revilla-Norris
Loi Park
Our purpose is to give the hyperloop vehicle a framework to attach components with adequate space and absorb foreseeable load comfortably.
Nicole Dunan | Lead
Komal Keesara | Lead
Alyssa Revilla-Norris
Abraham Saul Medina
Andrew Pitman
Our purpose is to provide the necessary funding, resources and/or personnel for the team to function. This is done by recruiting current UF students, maintaining alumni connections, and reaching out to prospective sponsors. Additionally, we ensure that the Gatorloop socials and website reflect the most up-to-date progress of the sub-teams as they research, design, manufacture or test their projects.
Jack Hildebrandt
Technical Advisors
Dr. John K Schueller | Faculty Advisor
Tyler Lin | Mech Systems
Samuel Roshaven | Mech Systems